November 18, 2015


In our work with thousands of students and over 500 higher education institutions, we have come to recognize opportunities for both students and colleges and universities. We have also experienced the barriers for students graduating and for institutions meeting their academic and enrollment goals.

Often the changes in institutions that need to be undergone are simple. Sometimes they are very complex and the institution needs help in solving the problem. Almost every school we have worked with had individuals onboard who could have developed successful solutions which are more sustainable than one designed by consultants. We want to apply our knowledge and experience to help you develop economic and sustainable solutions.

Likewise, the world has changed for students. Finding the right school and staying there has become a bigger challenge for students. This includes the increased cost, knowing about the school, and determining if the school they choose is the right match. In addition, a successful first year insures that the school will more likely be sustainable.

We want to put our experience to work in helping you develop a bright and positive future. Let’s get together and see what could result from our association.